The phone number to reach CanJoe*John has been changed to 423-612-4320. Anyone calling the old number that has been most commonly posted will now reach a message directing them to call the new number. When inquiring about or ordering any instrument, it is required that the contact be made via a phone call. If anyone desires that they receive a call, instead, then send email to with name, phone number, best time to call, and the CanJoe Company will gladly contact accordingly. Every instrument offered by the CanJoe Company of Blountville, TN is always custom made to order. The CanJoe Company does not pre-make instruments to sell. The individuals can cherry pick any one of these packages based on budget and convenience and also based viagra discount store on the kind of disease. Due to which, it helps to reduce the free viagra sample symptoms! Patients with Aase-Smith Syndrome suffer from anemia and certain joint and skeletal deformities. Sometimes they even get to the point where they ask themselves “Am I infertile?” It’s a common question after not being able to get pregnant after a year of trying to do online prescriptions for cialis so. Through a specialized purification process, this particular supplement helps in the reactivation of the cell 5mg cialis telomeres. In the twenty + years of doing business, the majority of those who have purchased or received any instrument designed by and hand crafted by CanJoe*John has desired and requested theirs to be crafted with specific cans, wood types, and parts for their instruments. These instruments are always made to reflect the personal desires of whomever will own them. Prices are not posted on the web site, though always very affordable and the quality of every instrument made surpasses way above the prices charged, each instrument created is unique in design and materials used, so the prices can not be pre-determined. Please call the new number for a brief phone call that will determine what the cost of making a custom instrument to your desires will be. Thanks, CJ*J

The CanJoe Company is located 2357 Feathers Chapel Rd, Blountville, TN/ Phone 423-612-4320/ email

About CanJoe*John

CanJoe*John began making and marketing the authentic 'canjoe' instruments from their origin. Introduced to them by their creator, Herschel R. Brown, in the early 1990s, John, from the beginning, helped Herschel manufacture them in Herschel's shop. John relocated back to his home state of TN in 1993 and continued, initially with Herschel's direct assistance, to make and market them, establishing the licensed sole proprietorship, the CanJoe Company, in 1994. As a professional musician CanJoe*John became billed as the "world's most unique musician, playing the world's most unique musical instrument, the canjoe" (aka, canjo). Always with his own personal canjoe instrument in hand he was awarded the adult "2007 Male Bluegrass Instrumentalist of the Year" by the North American Country Music Association International (NACMAI), and now having the distinction of being the first and only canjoe picker to ever perform on the Grand Ole Opry, has literally taken the one-stringed thing to the outer limits! CanJoe*John is a master craftsman and artist who designs, creates and crafts these instruments as custom works of musical fine art for those who respect and require the best of the best, truly genuine, original one-stringed musical instruments. He can be reached via email at, or by phone at 423-612-4320.
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